I have a friend in the neighborhood who has her first child going to kindergarten this fall. She practically had a panic attack when I asked her the simple question, "Are you guys ready for school to start?" She cried, "Everyone keeps asking me that, and I have no idea if I'm ready for school or not!" (Wow, did I ever open a can of worms!) Although I was generally referring to the attitude and excitement or disappointment as school approaches, my simple yes or no question spurred a great conversation. So what does it actually mean to be ready for "back to school"? Since my initial discussion with mama #1, I've asked a few other mamas for their tips because I thought it would make a great referral list for us all. Here's what we came up with:
One or Two Weeks Before School Starts:
1. Begin slowing cutting back on bedtimes. Take 5 or 10 minutes each night working your way back to your preferred "school night" bedtime.
2. Begin integrating those school year routines that you know work and are important for your family. If yours is anything like my family, a lot of the routine and scheduling that work so well during the school year creeps away during the summer. Whether it is eating breakfast together, having a morning family prayer, practicing instruments early, etc... It is important to do this one BEFORE school actually starts because it cuts down on a big portion of the adjusting that first week of school.
3. Revisit your family expectations around activities such as bedtime, household jobs, wakeup time, homework, extracurricular activities, playdates, school transportation etc.. Make any adjustments to fit the upcoming school year.
4. Gather those much needed school supplies, even if you don't have your teacher list yet. (I detest running around the week of the first day of school - there's way too much other stuff to do.) I've found it's pretty safe to stick with the basics: number 2 pencils, glue sticks, colored pencils, box of tissue and a binder. I also stock my own drawer up with fresh supplies.
5. Doesn't everyone (including boys) have to have a new first day of school outfit? I usually get just one new outfit and then let them wear their summer clothes (shorts and capris) as much as they can until the weather starts getting cooler.
6. Review your calendar with everyone who is affected. Make sure they know what nights their activities fall on, what nights playdates can happen, and what nights are reserved just for the family. I do this all on my iPhone and sync it with iCal on my laptop. I would LOVE any other suggestions...
7. Get your haircuts and dentist /doctor appointments done.
One to Two Days Before School Starts:
1. Beef up your pantry and refridgerator with handy, healthy, and packable lunch food.
2. Pull backpacks and lunch bags out of storage and wash and prep them for the new year.
3. Clear off that designated homework area if it has been piled up with summer projects. My kids' home lockers need a clean out and freshen up too.
4. Have that special outfit hung and ready to go for that special morning so there are no back to school morning meltdowns. If you're really on the ball, make a special back-to-school breakfast. (Honeycombs anyone?)
5. Give your child some one on one time to express your love and belief in them and their success for the new school year. This could be done as a blessing, a special evening out, a walk, or just a bedtime talk.
These are obviously tailored to a family with younger kids. I would love to hear more suggestions or ideas that have worked for others. Now I've got to boogie and get this stuff done!