datestampUSEThursday, February 12, 2009

There aren't enough WORDS Valentine

This was such a fun (and inexpensive) project that I'm giving to some special people this year. First, I went thrifting for some glass jars and came up with these bubble shaped bottles at a whopping 49 cents a pop. While I was at the thrift store, I perused the book section for a classic love story. After spending another 50 cents for the book I headed to the paper store where I die cut the red tags and multiple pages of the book into hearts. After cleaning the jars and finding the perfect ribbon for the red tag, I carefully placed each "word" heart into the jar for maximum viewing. I wanted to personalize each jar so on the back of each red tag I hand-wrote a little note that generally went like this:

"There aren't enough WORDS to tell you how much I LOVE having you as a _________. *

Love, AMR"

*Sister, neighbor, friend, teacher, husband, mother, etc...

What are you doing for your valentine this year?


Petit Elefant said...

I love this!

Anonymous said...

I love your creativity but also your frugality. They looked so classy!!! oxoxox

Anonymous said...

You truly are amazing! You surpassed Martha a long time ago in my "book". It is a good thing that you have a blog to share all these ideas, pictures, recipes, etc. with all who read it! Happy Valentines' Day, Anna! :)

Allysha said...

That is really sweet. I love it!

Melissa said...

What a fabulous idea! I feel the need to go thrifting now.

I revamped a tiddlywinks game, changed it into a couple's game, you know where you have to kiss and hug and stuff. I was just so thrilled that my husband liked it so much!

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. So easy, so cute!
I just found your blog and am loving it too!

Kari said...

There aren't enough words to say how beyond impressed I am ....

the moms at babysteals said...

What a fantastic idea. I suppose you could do it with Baby food jars too. Ikea has some great glass jars that would work too!