datestampUSEMonday, March 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to Max

Dear Max:

Four years ago tonight you came crashing into my world at an unexpected and hurried pace. (You always want it your way, don't you?) Soon after those torrential, painful, and frantic minutes - and minutes it was - life swiftly became serene and peaceful. It felt as though the world stopped for just a few days in order for us to become acquainted. I knew from the time we spent together, when you were just moments into this world, that you had my heart. Four years later, life with you still very much resembles those first moments that we spent together - unexpected, hurried, and frantic, mingled with moments of calm and serene peace. So it is with you Max Walker - our life and our family - and I couldn't possibly imagine it any other way. I love you.



Kari said...

Happy Birthday, Max!! I was waiting for this post all day yesterday ... then crashed out earlier than usual ;) I hope your day was filled with fun and laughter. Hugs and kisses to you - can't wait to see you again soon! P.S. *LOVE* the photo!!!

Unknown said...

Happy 4th Birthday, Max! I am sure you are doing all that a big 4 year old boy wants to do on his day. Happy day to you, too, Anna...all those fond memories of births. You have a way with words that bring tears to my eyes. :)

Anonymous said...

What a good way to celebrate a birthday!!! And what a good place to do it. Max remember what I told you that 4 year old's do? love you lots grandma Smiley