datestampUSEMonday, October 20, 2008

Day 27 ; 30 Days of Balance

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How can I have any balance in my life without including just a little fun? Or even better...a lot of fun. I've been cracking myself up all morning with this. So without further ado and in honor of the release of High School Musical 3 (which we are not at all excited about), I present Troy and Kalli.



Unknown said...

Oh my gosh...that is too cute. What a fun mom you are to do that for her. :)

Anonymous said...

I love it that was so fun to watch.

Kari said...

First of all ... *LOVE* me some JibJab!! Those are always such a treat :) Second, now that my girls have every word to every song in the movie memorized (since the release of the soundtrack on Tuesday) they are eagerly anticipating showtime tomorrow at 1:00 P.M. Steve is in Utah and it will just be me and the girls ... Coug will be sleeping at home with a teenager texting on my couch! SO EXCITED for some girlie mom bonding time!! GO WILDCATS!

P.S. Next time we are in Utah we REALLY need to go to East High so my girls can take a pic on campus ;)

Hart Family said...

OK AMR, I showed Chloe hers and she laughed at first, then got really mad and told me to take it off the computer "NOW!!" When I animated Gary and I it was CLEAR that we not only are so much older, but LOOK so much older than these kids. A little sad...