datestampUSESaturday, January 23, 2010

I drive myself CRAZY!

I wish I could be a "chapter or two a night" kind of reader.  My children wouldn't get ignored, my laundry wouldn't pile up, and I might actually cook something decent and healthy for my family.  I would just climb into bed around 9 p.m. and read for an hour or so and then pick it up again the next night.  Isn't this what most normal people do? Instead, for 1-3 days (and nights - depending on the book) I completely engross myself in a book, devour it, laugh, cry, wheeze and finish.  I only do what is actually required of me - but nothing above and beyond (chicken nuggets, here we come!) Luckily, this only happens if the book happens to be a good one - but  if it's a REALLY good one (like the latest above) I'm devastated to be done and a totally irritated at myself for devouring instead of savoring. In order for life to go back to normal, I have to take around a 2-3 week hiatus before I start the cycle again. So, with a heavy heart, I'm off to start my first load of whites.


alison said...

That's funny... I just finished this book yesterday. ...and was kicking myself Friday morning (while struggling through homeschooling my kids) after having stayed up until 1 AM reading it. What a great book, though!!

be gifted said...

i do this too. in fact, i did not read a book for two years when my daughter was first born because i was afraid i would ignore her cries. :) just recently started reading regularly again (since she is old enough to open the fridge herself). . .and i just ordered the help! can't wait to start.

mom said...

Am I next for that book? oxoxo mom

Chris said...

I am just starting the "Miss Skeeter" chapter of "The Help". I am using all of my self control to continue to read 1 chapter a day. I want the characters to grow on me like in "These is My Words". So far it is working. We'll see how much control I can maintain when I get close to the end!

Lisa said...

I am the same way! My poor poor kids! I just finished "Hunger Games" and am racing to the bookstore tomorrow to get the second one. Have you read this? It is way way good. The Help is already downloaded and ready to go. I just can't decide whether to read the second book of that or The is rought huh! BTW, I read all my books now on my i-touch (amazon kindle app)and it is great! I can read anywhere and anytime I get a free moment. It is small so just depends how you like reading you books but it has changed my life! I can get so many more books in doing it this way. When are we going to meet???