datestampUSEMonday, March 9, 2009

Call Me Sentimental...

I've been cleaning out some drawers in my bedroom and need to find a place to keep my piles and piles of momentos - airline tickets from fabulous trips, cards from my kids or hubby, pictures, brochures I can't part with etc... So here's my question. Are you a sentimental saver? And if so, how do you store it all?


Halli Matheny said...

I take a picture of it and put the picture in my scrapbook...then I can throw away the item. Or, I add the item to my scrapbook. Remember Pepper? He made me a cool wooden box for my wedding that I put letters/cards from Dave and the kids in.

Kari said...

Nothing original but I have a box for each member of the family in our hall closet that stores our keepsakes - cards, school work, art, etc. Although the older girls boxes are starting to get pretty full ....

The Moore's said...

I do save and I have bought big canvas boxes with all 3 kids names on them and one for chad and I as well. I put in all the things they make me and all the things I want to save for them such as their blessing outfits, first day home from the hospital after birth, letters, cards, etc. I just keep them in my storage room but Its all in one spot. Then when they leave home they can take their box with them.

lindsay said...

I found a cute hatbox at a vintage store... It is my favorite. I love opening it up every once in a while and reading through old notes, cards, and such.