datestampUSETuesday, May 13, 2008

Cleaning and Organizing

I was asked to give 5 tips for spring cleaning and decluttering for an organizational handout that was being compiled. Here is what I contributed:

1. With small children, I find it easier to do a lot of the decluttering of smaller items while they are at school or at a play date. They never seem to miss what I get rid of. I do have them help me with some bigger items and older toys and clothes because it is a good chance to teach them not to be attached to things.

2. I try use the 3 pile rule when I'm cleaning out a room or closet: 1. Throw away 2. Donate 3. Keep If it is something that I am on the fence about I try to do 2 things. First, I move the location of the item (for example, from a closet to a cupboard or somewhere else where it is more accessible to see if I will actually use it more) and second, I date the package or box it is in. Then, the next time I go through the stuff I can get rid of it if I still haven't used within 6 months to a year.

3. Another motivator I have used to help me dejunk is donating to a garage sale for a cause. For example, for the last few summers my nephew has been raising money for a choir trip back east and they have had a garage sale to help raise some money. Sometimes I have an easier time getting rid of stuff if I know it is going to help someone for a good cause.

4. During the spring, I try and take one room a week so I can get on with life and still get some of that cleaning accomplished without feeling overwhelmed. I do a lot of the decluttering myself and then have my kids come in and help with the actual cleaning of their rooms. Washing windows, baseboards, vacuuming - you name it. I even get Bryce involved! I can't move those beds to vacuum under and behind by myself!

5. Most importantly, I am trying my best to BUY LESS - really evaluating if what I'm purchasing will become that "junk" I'm going to want to get rid of in 6 months.



Anonymous said...

this was my favorite part of the post- BUY LESS! Can I hold you to that ;-)

Liz said...

In my experience, the "BUY LESS" philosphy is especially poignant for husbands if applied immediately to the grocery store following such comments. :)

Kari said...

All fabulous tips - not surprising coming from you! Now I need to gut my craft room :)