datestampUSETuesday, May 19, 2009

Beautiful Words

*image via frolic

A few weeks ago, I spent the day volunteering at my Alma Mater as a hostess for their annual Women's Conference. During our training we discussed a quote by an Indian spiritualist and Nobel Peace Prize winner named Rabindranath Tagore. Several weeks have passed, yet I still have this in my mind.

" I slept and dreamt that life was joy.
I awoke and saw that life was service.
I acted and behold, service was joy."

Isn't that beautiful? I'm trying to live by it each day.


Mom said...

Scott told me about that quote from a book he read. I so agree with it. A great motto for each of us. xoxoxo

Kari said...

A great quote to live by. I am so hoping to make it to Women's Conference one of these years!!

jss said...

I have and love a philosophy book I have of his. That is an incredible sentiment, I agree.

jss said...

I didn't say that very well, did I?